Freelancers Around the World Make Coronavirus Inspired Artworks

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Written By Liviu Craciun
I am the founder of Huntlancer where my team and I are committed to providing you with the best resources on all things freelancing.

In a matter of only a few short months, the coronavirus went from being a distant news story to a worldwide epidemic. The respiratory virus has recently been labelled a “pandemic” and nations around the world are taking measures to prevent its spread.

The coronavirus that has been traced back to a market in Wuhan China has quickly spread around the world, with Italy, Iran, and South Korea having the highest number of confirmed cases after China. As the virus continues to spread, these numbers are expected to rise and are sending society into a spellbinding spiral of panic.

And while everyone is handling their thoughts and fears in different ways, there are many freelancers out there who are expressing themselves through artwork. From works of art that display the sadness of the crisis we are experiencing to works that express love in a time of need, freelancers around the world are sharing their coronavirus inspired artwork with the world. Here are some of our favorites:

Indoctrinated by Ernesto Barroso, Cuba

Indoctrinated by Ernesto Barroso, Cuba | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Love in the time of Coronavirus by Giovanni Gastaldi, Italy

Love in the time of Coronavirus by Giovanni Gastaldi, Italy | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

We Sing, We Dance, We Live by Lenny Wen, Indonesia

Stay Home by Ranganath Krishnamani, India

Stay Home by Ranga | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Appreciation of the treatment staff by Alireza Pakdel, Iran

Appreciation of the treatment staff by Alireza Pakdel, Iran | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

The best preventive medicine by Sergio Edwards, Chile

Best preventive medicine by Sergio Edwards, Chile | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Face mask & Chill by Olumide Alli, Nigeria

Face mask & Chill by Olumide Alli, Nigeria | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Time to love quarantine by Gilberto Lefevre, Brazil

Time to love quarantine by Gilberto Lefevre, Brazil | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Be Negative by Bryan Vectorartist, Thailand

Be Negative by Bryan Vectorartist, Thailand | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

COVID-19 by Justin Peters, Germany

COVID-19 by Justin Peters, Germany | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Novel coronavirus by Oscar Wang, China

Novel coronavirus by Oscar Wang, China | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

2020 by Farid Ghanbari, USA

2020 by Farid Ghanbari, USA | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Avoid traveling abroad by Binderiya Sanduijav, Mongolia

Avoid traveling abroad by Binderiya Sanduijav, Mongolia | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus by Elena Mesheryakova, Russia

Coronavirus by Elena Mesheryakova, Russia | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus by Scott Martin, Canada

Coronavirus by Scott Martin, Canada | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus Girl by Daniel Sarmiento, Mexico

Coronavirus Girl by Daniel Sarmiento, Mexico | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus by Ahmed Emad Eldin, Egypt

Coronavirus by Ahmed Emad Eldin, Egypt | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Made with love by Anna and Elena Balbusso, Italy

Made with love by Anna and Elena Balbusso, Italy | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Pandemic by Kris 3D, Liechtenstein

Pandemic by Kris 3D, Liechtenstein | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus inspired Qing Dynasty self portrait by Shelly Wan, USA

Coronavirus inspired Qing Dynasty self portrait by Shelly Wan, USA | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

A couple in new China by The People’s Art, China

A couple in new China by The People's Art, China | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Covid-19 by Dario Baruzzi, Italy

Covid-19 by Dario Baruzzi, Italy | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Spraying by Elif Cenal, Turkey

Spraying by Elif Cenal, Turkey | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Dragon wearing a mask by Emir Simsek, Japan

Dragon wearing a mask by Emir Simsek, Japan | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Love by Olga Semklo, Europe

Love by Olga Semklo, Europe | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Corona virus by Dmitry Chernogubov, Russia

Corona virus by Dmitry Chernogubov, Russia | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak by Andy Chiang, USA

2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak by Andy Chiang, USA | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus Illustration by Denizhan De Asis, Turkey

Coronavirus Illustration by Denizhan De Asis, Turkey | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

60699 “Coronavirus at the Gates” by Jarek Kubicki, Poland

60699 "Coronavirus at the Gates" by Jarek Kubicki, Poland | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

Coronavirus Doctor by Orinn Orinn, Ukraine

Coronavirus Doctor by Orinn Orinn, Ukraine | Coronavirus Inspired Artworks by Freelancers Around the World

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2 thoughts on “Freelancers Around the World Make Coronavirus Inspired Artworks”

  1. What a bounty of views of this curse. May one day soon we will look back and breath without a mask a sigh of relief.


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